In this article we will discuss snow guards for slate roofs.
Snow guards for slate roofs
Why do you need snowguards?
Winter precipitation is not a seldom thing. Neither is the accumulated heap of snow on the roofs. The thaw makes it all melt but when with a temperature drop the melted mass turns into ice. Needless to say, how dangerous the ice-snow avalanche is. It poses serious threat for the passers-by, vehicles and landscape structures around. The elimination of all these consequences will inevitably lead to large costs. But installation on the roof of snow retainers will cost much less. Plus, such ice stops are effective for very long time.

What is special about snow stoppers for slate roods?
First of all, it is necessary to calculate the number of snow retainers to guarantee secure protection against uncontrolled snow melting. The amount of snow stoppers depends on the slope of the roof, its size and the material used. For slate roofs, tube holders are optimally suited to provide reliable and long-lasting protection against the fall of a large mass of snow.

You can opt for any kind of material for your snow blocks: aluminum, copper, stainless steel, etc., whatever pleases your aesthetic taste. However, it is highly recommended to mount the retention system simultaneously with the installation of the roof. Otherwise you will have to disassemble parts of the roof in the places where the snow guards are expected.

With the snow blocks for slate roofs, the support plate is found under the upper layers of the slate, while the pressure on the crate is given not through the slate plate, but through the lining of copper, lead or titanium-zinc.

Why retention system from Roof Experts?
Our service includes the installation of snow retention all the necessary fasteners, so you don’t have to buy anything else. If the hardware for installation is bought separately, there is always a rather high risk that it will not just work. The design provides elements that ensure the tightness of the joints (special seals).
Our retainers are highly versatile, that means they can be used on almost any roof covering and roof shape. A selection of snow retainer colors makes it possible to choose an ideal variant for any roof color.
It is possible to buy snow retainers in a wide range at affordable prices in our company.
General rules for installing a snow retainer for slate roof:
- The first step would be installation of a universal bracket for slate roofs.
- For reliable fastening usually an additional block is added.
- The upper part of the universal bracket is fastened with two screws to the additional bar.
- Snow retainer tubes are inserted into the holes in the bracket.
- If necessary, snow retainer tubes are joined. For this, one side of the tube has a crimp.
- The joint is fixed with the help of a bolt with washer and a nut.
Other ways to solve the problem of roof snow
Non-standard methods of solving the problem of uncontrolled snow avalanches:
- heating cable
- electric pulse system
- anti-icing emulsions
- snow retention from natural materials
Heating cable
A heating cable is a safe way to protect the roof from icing and snow accumulation. The cable is mounted around the perimeter of the eaves and heats not only the edge of the roof, but also, as a rule, the gutters and drains adjacent to it.
An electropulse system
An electropulse system is not so common and consumes significantly less energy than a cable, but it’s quite costly.
The minus of emulsions is that the roof must be covered several times during the winter period and the cost of such compounds is very high.
Log snow retainer
Logs are mainly used for style emphasize, although they are able to fulfill the function of snow retention. Elements are installed on roofs with bituminous and natural tiles, as well as on shingles. The most spectacular logs look on roofs made of natural materials, giving the whole building a special charm.
However, we do outline that aside from the aesthetics the metal tubular snow guards is the most sound, durable and safe solution for the snow retention. The installation of snow retainers makes the roof and surrounding area safe, gives a complete look to the entire structure and creates architectural appeal.
Tubular snow guards
Tubular snow stoppers are the most common type: they are two hollow metal tubes mounted on 2 – 4 supports for each 10’. Tubular snow retainers are mounted on any kind of roofs Depending on the region and the average level of snow load, the tubular snow retainer can be installed in one or in two rows.

Dial 1 647 997 70 84 or fill in the form if you are looking for snow guards on metal roof. We will be happy to answer your questions or advise you on the best solution for your roof.