How often do metal roofs need to be painted?
In the old days the question about painting metal roof aroused often. It had to do with the fact that the roof was made of tin-panels. This kind of metal surfaces needed to be painted for two reasons. Firstly, a thin layer of paint quickly comes out as a result of aggressive environmental influences (precipitation, salts, exhaust gases, etc.) and the roof begins to rust. Secondly, painted metal had better appearance and looked much more appealing than unpainted. So, in this case the roof was painted every 3-5 years.

How about now?
Today’s metal roofs with proper maintenance do not need any repairs for more than half a century. Modern panels are made of hard zinc-coated metal (275 g/sq.m. of Zinc or G90) that are corrosion-resistant. As for the paint: most manufactures provide at least 30 years of warranty that the paint will not shade. So, there is no need to paint the roof for at least three decades, unless you have a sudden urge to change the building’s style.

Can you paint a metal roof?
You do not have to, but, yes, you can. You do not want to get to work if you did not let the roof weather for at least 6 months. However, make sure along that you have chosen the right paint (Acrylic latex or oil-based alkyd paint) and that you are using the appropriate primers and sealants. Check the specifications and follow the instructions on the paint can. Some substances have added benefits such as UV-reflection, fire-resistance, and insects-repel qualities.

Paint must meet several requirements:
- be resistant to corrosion - contain corrosive inhibitors
- have good adhesive properties
- one of the most important parameters is weather resistance
- the more elasticity the paint has, the better it will look on metal roof
On the safety of work
- General recommendations relate to weather conditions: you need to start working in dry windless weather; both heat and frost complicate the process.
- Work at heights must be done in shoes with anti-slip soles, and also with the use of a safety belt.
- It is necessary to use protective clothing not exposing skin to the paint.
- It is better to work with a partner who will help in case of a dangerous situation. It is worth remembering that fumes of paints and varnishes are toxic, and the paints and solvents themselves are fire hazard.
- Work with the rust solvent must be carried out in goggles and rubber gloves.
If you still unclear about painting your roof or you have a roofing project in mind we are happy to help you. Please, do not hesitate to reach us at +1 647 997 70 84 or do browse through our website if you need any advise on metal roofing in Ontario.